Running via Python
Tips and Tricks. This is for windows
Things you will need
Infura account to query the blockchain with
For brownie
Make a project and put in the secret and project id after the =
Run cmd and type the code below and add in your newly generated keys
Below is the config you can use to feed Yearn-Exporter into prometheus. This has to have exact spacing or it will throw an error.
install from
Check if pip is installed via
If it is not install pip from here then
Etherscan API key
Make an Etherscan account and api key
as a variable in windows under user variablesyou can either add it manually or alternatively you can run
set ETHERSCAN_TOKEN=yourtokenkey
in cmd
Make its value your Api-Key Token
After installing go to settings > Data Sources > Add Data Source
Select Prometheus
URL: http://yourIPv4address:9090
Access: Browser
Save and test! Make sure yearn exporter is running and prometheus is also running. If it is working it will show green.
Import pre-made dashboards found here by + (create) > import > upload json file
Last updated
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